SB - VET Coordinator Feedback
This survey will be used to assist MPA Skills in making the School Based enrollment process easier for VET Coordinators and gives the opportunity for VET Coordinators to give feedback. Please note, you may do this survey anonymously if you wish.
Given Names:
Was it easy to find information regarding our School Based Pre Apprenticeship on our website? *
How did you find enrolling your students online? *
How do you find your dealings with MPA Skills Staff? *
When would you prefer us to hold our interviews for the 2020 School Based Pre App intake?
What can MPA Skills do to make your job easier?
If you had a student that was interested in a Plumbing or Painting Pre Apprenticeship, would you recommend MPA Skills? *
Please write in any further comments in the box below.
Please draw your signature in the box below...