SB - Workplace Learning (Work Experience)
School Based Pre Apprenticeship students to complete
Given Names:
Course Name:
Please select...
Certificate III Gas
CTF School-Based Plumbing Pre-Apprenticeship
Gas Servicing
Introduction to WA Plumbing Industry (Migrant Gap)
Locate and Connect
MPDA Spray Course
Painters Registration Course - Trade Test
Painters Registration Course - Business
Painters Registration Course - Estimate
Painters Registration Course - Prepare Surfaces
Painting Flexible
Painting Pre Apprenticeship Full Time
Painting Stage 1
Painting Stage 2
Painting Stage 3
Painting Stage 4
Painting Stage 5
Painting Stage 6
Painting Stage 7
Plumbing Contractors License - Business
Plumbing Contractors License - Drainage
Plumbing Contractors License - Sanitary
Plumbing Contractors License - Water
Plumbing GAP
Plumbing Pre Apprenticeship
Plumbing Pre Apprenticeship Full time
Plumbing Stage 1
Plumbing Stage 2
Plumbing Stage 3
Plumbing Stage 4
Plumbing Stage 5
Plumbing Stage 6
Plumbing Stage 7
Plumbing Stage 8
Plumbing Teach Out 1
Plumbing Teach Out 2
Plumbing Teach Out 3
Plumbing Teach Out 4
Pre Apprenticeship Survey
Restricted Gas Permit
Restricted PLUMBING Permit
School Based Painting Pre Apprenticeship
School Based Plumbing Pre Apprenticeship
School Based Pre Apprenticeship
Please select...
106 Caledonian Ave Maylands
7 Chullora Bend Jandakot
John Forrest
Joseph Banks Secondary College
During the Pre Apprenticeship course, students are required to complete 125 hours (for 1 Year Program) or 220 hours (for 2 year Program) of Workplace Learning. MPA Skills find your work placement and will do so in the first few weeks of the course commencing. Please see below options, please tick when you will be completing your Work Placement hours (please discuss this with your school)-
Which School do you currently attend
What is the name of your VET Coordinator
Please choose how you will be completing your work placement hours (this must be discussed with your VET Coordinator)
One day a week
On weekends
On school holidays
On exam breaks
Other (please explain in the comments section below)
5 - Comments
I understand what is expected of me? • Students are to cooperate and accept duties in an obliging manner • Be eager to learn, listen to instructions and ask questions • Be respectful, polite, courteous and honest • Meet standards of work health & safety requirements • Comply with specified uniform and personal protective equipment at the workplace • Communicate with MPA Skills staff if they are having any issues on site, or need to change host employers.
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian Mobile/Phone number:
Parent Permission • I understand my son/daughter will be covered under MPA Skills insurance, however damage to business equipment is not covered. • I understand that my son/daughter will be placed with a licensed plumber/painter by MPA Skills for Work Placement, and may change to a different host employer throughout the year depending on different circumstances. • Transport to and from the workplace is the responsibility of the student/parent/guardian. • Vehicle driven by student will comply with the road licensing requirements & student will have a current driver’s license. • I am aware that the student may not be supervised during breaks at work e.g. lunch. • I am aware that the student may need to be transported in the host employer’s vehicle. • I give permission for the student’s photo to be published for the purposes of marketing. Please tick the box and sign.
Please draw your signature in the box below...